Monday 29 September 2008

Bozza hits back at terminator

Boris Johnson has hit back at the Governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was heard last year describing Bozza's speech as 'fumbling' in a clip widely aired on YouTube.

Now Bozza has got his own back at the Governator in a speech at the Tory party conference by describing him as 'a monosyllabic Austrian cyborg'. I am not sure he would have said that to his face. But perhaps Boris has been taken out of those old Charles Atlas courses that built you up so that you could act when you had sand kicked in your face on the beach (apparently at one time a common social problem).

Yesterday Bozza pretended to (or did) search out Dave Cameron in the audience, yelling 'There you are, Dave'. Although 'call me Dave' likes that form of his name to be used by his acquaintances, and I always use it on this page, he is less keen on its informality now that he is trying to develop the gravitas of a prime minister in waiting.

Actually it's quite cool these days to be a Dave. A TV channel of that name (which to my annoyance displaced UK History on Freeview in the evenings) clearly appeals to a young male demographic with repeats of Top Gear and the like and has been quite a success.

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